Past Planning Application Approvals
5 Unit Redevelopment
Case Summary:
Bungalow redevelopment to create 5 dwellings approved by London Borough Enfield Planning Committee - 22/00777/FUL
LPA Development Management Contract (Assessment and Delivery)
(CGI from CG Architects)

1 Unit Residential Infill Development
Case Summary:
Approved at London Borough Greenwich Planning Committee - 19/4256/F
LPA Development Management Contract (Assessment and Delivery)
(google street view)

Creation of Two Bedroom Residential Unit
Case Summary:
South Croydon Conversion approved by officers - 16/05479/FUL
Planning Consultant: (Submission, Negotiation, Delivery)
(google street view)

5 Unit Residential Conversion
Case Summary:
South Croydon Conversion approved by officers - 16/04451/FUL
Planning Consultant (submission, negotiation and delivery)
(google street view)

Two Storey Side Single Storey Rear and Front Extensions
Case Summary:
South Croydon residential extensions approved by officers - 17/01313/HSE
Planning Consultant (Submission and Delivery)
(google street view)

1 Unit Residential Infill Development
Case Summary:
Garden Land Development London Borough of Enfield - 21/02855/FUL
LPA Development Management Contract (Assessment and Delivery)
(CGI from P E Ottery Dip TP MRTPI)