Local Authority Contracts for delivery of strategic commercial and residential schemes
3500 Unit Sustainable Urban Extension
Case Summary:
Lead development management consultant appointed to deliver and implement the outline planning consent for the 3500 dwellings SUE. Design Codes assessment, affordable housing schemes, phasing documents, Highways infrastructure and Green Infrastructure.
Development Management Consultant (Assessment and Delivery)
Reserved Matters 234 Dwellings
Case Summary:
Residential reserved matters application for 234 dwellings within the Priors Hall Sustainable Urban Extension.
Development Management Consultant (Assessment and Delivery)
Reserved Matters 264 Dwellings
Case summary:
Residential reserved matters application for 264 dwellings within the Priors Hall Sustainable Urban Extension.
Development Management Consultant (Assessment and Delivery)
Reserved Matters 145 Dwellings
Case Summary:
Residential reserved matters application for 145 dwellings within the Priors Hall Sustainable Urban Extension.
Development Management Consultant (Assessment and Delivery)
Reserved Matters 260 Dwellings
Case Summary:
Residential reserved matters application for 260 dwellings on the edge of the settlement of Desborough.
Development Management Consultant (Assessment and Delivery)
Full Application 50,000sqm Logistics Centre
Case Summary:
Commercial development within Corby's Rockingham Enterprise Area, 500 jobs.
Development Management Consultant (Assessment and Delivery)