Planning applications for commercial development and logistics centers are crucial to the economic growth and development of the UK. These types of developments can help to create new jobs, capture investment, improve transport infrastructure and contribute to a local economy. However, the planning process can be complex and there are many factors to consider when preparing to submit a commercial development application.

The first step in the planning process is to identify a suitable site for the development. This may involve identifying vacant land or existing buildings that can be repurposed for commercial use. It is important to consider factors such as access to transport links, availability of utilities such as water and electricity, and proximity to residential areas. Many Council’s have allocated land for commercial development to take place so it is worth taking advantage of these allocated sites where the opportunity presents itself.
Once a suitable site has been identified, the next step is to devise a strategy for engagement with the Local planning authority. For example it may be worth entering into a PPA agreement with planning officers if the scheme is likely to give rise to complex issues. It may also be worth applying for detailed pre application advice which also establishes a dialogue with planning officers. Public consultation exercises may also be appropriate where your scheme is likely to have an impact on members of the public. This would help to begin the process of familiarizing residents and councilors with your plans. It's worth speaking to a planning consultant or chartered town planner to devise the best strategy to carry forward.
Preparing the actual planning application for submission will typically involve engaging with local planning authorities, consulting with stakeholders such as local residents and businesses, and preparing detailed plans and designs for the proposed development. The planning application will need to include a range of information, including details of the proposed development, an assessment of the environmental impact of the development, and a description of how the development will comply with relevant planning policies and regulations.
One of the key considerations in the planning process for commercial development and logistics centers is the impact on transport infrastructure. These types of developments can generate significant levels of traffic, and it is important to ensure that the local road network can cope with the additional demand. This may involve making improvements to local roads, or providing alternative transport options such as public transport or cycle routes.
Another important consideration is the impact on the local environment. This may include the impact on wildlife, air quality, and noise pollution. It is important to carry out a thorough environmental assessment as part of the planning process to identify any potential issues and to ensure that appropriate mitigation measures are put in place.
The planning application will also need to consider the economic impact of the proposed development. This may involve demonstrating how the development will create new jobs and contribute to the local economy. It may also involve demonstrating how the development will support wider economic growth and development, for example by improving transport links or providing new services.
One of the key challenges in the planning process for commercial development and logistics centers is ensuring that the development is compatible with local planning policies and regulations. Given the complex nature of such a development it is likely that there will be competing policy objectives that officers will need to weigh into the planning balance during the course of the assessment.
Engaging with stakeholders is also an important part of the planning process. This may involve consulting with local residents, businesses, and community groups to identify any concerns or issues that need to be addressed. It is important to take these concerns into account and to develop a plan that addresses them in a meaningful way.
In some cases, it may be necessary to make changes to the proposed development in response to feedback from stakeholders or to address concerns raised by the planning authority. This may involve revising the design of the development, or incorporating further mitigation measures to reduce a development's impact.
Once a planning application has been submitted, it will be subject to a period of public consultation. This will typically involve giving local residents and businesses the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed development. It is important to take this feedback into account and to make changes to the proposed development where necessary.
The scheme of delegation will determine whether permission will be required from elected members of planning committee or not. If the planning application is approved, the next step is to obtain any necessary permits and approvals. This may include environment agency permits, building regulations approval, natural england licenses for great crested newts, highways improvements agreements and finalization of S106 agreements that run with the approval such.
Overall, planning applications for commercial development and logistics centers are an important part of the economic development of the UK. They can help to create new jobs, improve transport infrastructure, and contribute to the local economy. However, the planning process can be complex and there are many factors to consider when submitting an application. It is important to engage with local planning authorities and stakeholders, to ensure that the proposed development is compatible with local planning policies and regulations, and to address any concerns or issues that may arise during the planning process. By taking these steps, property developers can increase the likelihood of a successful planning application and ensure that their proposed development is both economically and environmentally sustainable.
It is worth speaking to a chartered town planner for site specific advice. Planning advice in London will vary from borough to borough and on a site by site basis for planning advice in London specific to your property development project or if you require planning permission help in general I encourage you to get in contact in order for us to help you overcome these challenges and increase your chances for success.
Fidel Miller MRTPI
London planning consultant
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