If you are considering a new development project in London and the South East part of your due diligence process should look into whether the project you intend to undertake is feasible in planning terms. A professionally prepared planning feasibility report is an essentially tool for shrewd property developers to inform investment decisions in respect to planning feasibility.
The report would provide an in-depth analysis of planning constraints and opportunities associated with potential development land taking into account a range of factors. A planning feasibility study typically includes a review of planning policies relevant to the site in question including the local development plan, the London Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) along with site specific material planning considerations. For residential development the report may include an analysis of the local Authority’s recent housing delivery test results. The types of additional reports that will be required to be submitted with the intended form of the development along with a strategy for how to ultimately obtain planning permission. The advantage of having a planning feasibility study prepared is that it can help property developers and investors to make informed decisions about whether to proceed with a project and how to proceed. They can also provide valuable information and evidence to support a planning application, helping to increase the chances of the project being approved.
If you're considering a development project in London or the South East, a planning feasibility study can be a useful tool to help you understand whether your project is actually feasible. It can provide valuable information and evidence to support your planning application and increase the chances of your project being approved.
In respect to how to get planning permission it is worth speaking to a chartered town planner for site specific advice. Planning advice in London will vary from borough to borough and on a site by site basis. If you are in need of planning advice in London specifically in relation to your property development project or if you require planning permission help you are encouraged to get in contact in order for us to help you overcome these challenges and increase your chances for success.
Fidel Miller MRTPI
London planning consultant
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